Arcadia is a clean modern, minimal professional HTML5 and CSS3 eCommerce Template, it is a perfect template for Clothing Stores, Fashion Stores, Electrical Stores and Sports Stores. The Arcadia template has a clean and well structured code base, and is mobile/tablet friendly. CSS and JS compression makes the template search engine friendly.
Arcadia was developed with HTML5, Sass, jQuery, Compass Framework, and Grunt.
Source editing: If you wish to edit from the source files (located in the src folder) you will need to have the following prerequisites:
Node: https://nodejs.org/en/
GruntJS: https://gruntjs.com/installing-grunt
Compass CSS Framework: http://compass-style.org/install/
Configure the package.json file for dev dependencies and theme path etc.
{ "name": "arcadia", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "src/js/main.js", "author": "edenCreates", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "devDependencies": { "grunt": "^1.0.1", "grunt-contrib-compass": "^1.1.1", "grunt-contrib-concat": "^1.0.1", "grunt-contrib-uglify": "^2.0.0", "grunt-contrib-watch": "^1.0.0", "grunt-contrib-connect": "^1.0.0" }, "description": "", "theme_name": "Arcadia", "theme_path": "www-arcadia-apparel", "theme_src_path": "src/arcadia-apparel" }
Normal editing: If you are unfamiliar with NPM and Grunt you can edit the compressed and uncompressed files within the 'www-{template-name}/dist/*/dev' folders.
HTML & Grid Structure
The template grid structure works using a Sass Mixins library called Flexbox Grid Mixin, it helps you write well-structured, readable, maintainable, component-based grids using Flexbox (CSS Flexible Box Layout Module).
Grid Settings if you wish to change any of the grid settings, this can be changed in src/tools/_settings.scss file from line 108.
$default-grid-container-width: 1460px !default; $default-grid-container-padding: 30px !default; $default-grid-columns: 12 !default;; $default-grid-gutter: 20px !default;
HTML Example Usage:
Break points you can see each break point defined below, this is located in the src/tools/_settings.scss file from line 102.
$screen-xs-phone: 480px !default; // Extra small screen / phone $screen-sm-tablet: 768px !default; // Small screen / tablet $screen-md-desktop: 1024px !default; // Medium screen / desktop $screen-lg-desktop: 1200px !default; // Large screen / wide desktop
SCSS/CSS File Structure
Arcadia styling works from just one CSS file, located 'www-{template-name}/dist/css/default.css'. This is generated by the SCSS file compile by compass/grunt located 'src/scss/default.scss'
Please note: As previously mentioned in Prerequisites if you have no knowledge of Grunt and compiling software please edit the following file located 'www-{template-name}/dist/css/dev/default.css' directly and change link file path on the relevant pages.
Edit HTML file:
Change to
Arcadia template CSS uses the SMACSS layout. What is SMACSS? SMACSS (pronounced "smacks") is more of a style guide rather than a rigid framework. SMACSS is a way to examine your design process and as a way to fit those rigid frameworks into a flexible thought process. Learn about SMACS: https://smacss.com/
Settings and Tool files:
@import "tools/settings"; @import "tools/mixins"; @import "tools/functions"; @import "tools/animate"; @import "tools/flexbox";
Layout files:
/** Layout - Structure **/ @import "layout/grid"; @import "layout/header"; @import "layout/page-container"; @import "layout/site-overlay"; @import "layout/footer"; /** Layout **/ @import "layout/main"; @import "layout/cat"; @import "layout/page"; @import "layout/product"; @import "layout/cart"; @import "layout/account"; @import "layout/checkout"; @import "layout/blog";
Module files: (These are reusable elements on the page)
/** Modules **/ @import "modules/flexbox"; @import "modules/btn"; @import "modules/form"; @import "modules/featured"; @import "modules/brand-logos"; @import "modules/collection"; @import "modules/heading"; @import "modules/listing"; @import "modules/tooltip"; @import "modules/subscribe"; @import "modules/usps"; @import "modules/slider"; @import "modules/pagination"; @import "modules/breadcrumbs"; @import "modules/tabs"; @import "modules/reviews";
Plugin files:
@import "plugins/resp-accordion"; @import "plugins/responsive-tabs"; @import "plugins/owl-carousel.min";
Arcadia JavaScript works from just one JS file app.min.js, located in 'www-{template-name}/dist/js/'. This is generated by the JS file compiled by the grunt task runner located 'src/js/app.js'
Please note: As previously mentioned in Prerequisites if you have no knowledge of Grunt and compiling software please edit the following file located 'www-{template-name}/dist/js/app.js' directly and change script file path on the relevant pages.
Edit HTML file:
Change to
Editing Module files:
Module files are respective of the part of the page or the page they are located. For example home.js is for the index.html template which will have class on the page of jet-home, each file is part of the constructor file located in the root of the js folder. A list of files and classes used are below:
/src/js/modules/ - basket.js - jet-basket - cat.js - jet-cat - checkout.js - jet-checkout - contact.js - jet-contact - global.js - // Does not have a class and is used throughout the website - header.js - jet-header - home.js - jet-home - product.js - jet-product
Google Map
To update the map pin to your location edit the file located 'www-{template-name}/dist/js/google-map.js'.
Change on line: 28 the Latitude and longitude within the brackets.
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(51.5118416,-0.1476274);
How do I find the latitude & longitude?
How do I Change the pin Address?
This is changed the in the contact.html file. Find the following line:
And change the address within the data-pin="" so for example it may look like below:
SVG Icons
We do not believe in adding lots of icon libraries and HTML frameworks which bloat out the template and increase load times, the template is condensed down to be easily scalable for all your projects.
All icons are loaded on the page within the svg-vault div > selector, located straight after the opening > body tag.
Arcadia SVG icons:
svg-icon-tick svg-icon-cross svg-icon-clock svg-icon-mail svg-icon-plus-circle svg-icon-star svg-icon-recycle svg-icon-tools svg-icon-award svg-icon-search svg-icon-phone svg-icon-cancel-circle svg-icon-google-plus svg-icon-facebook svg-icon-instagram svg-icon-twitter svg-icon-cross svg-icon-quote svg-icon-minus-circle svg-icon-store svg-icon-star-empty svg-icon-star-full svg-icon-pinterest svg-icon-bag svg-icon-basket svg-icon-account-user svg-icon-account-edit svg-icon-account-logout svg-icon-arrow-up svg-icon-arrow-right svg-icon-arrow-left svg-icon-arrow-down svg-icon-mail svg-icon-heart svg-icon-quick-view svg-icon-diamond svg-icon-innovation svg-icon-development svg-icon-comments svg-icon-view
Implementing the SVG icons
Sources and Credits
We have used the following resources as listed below for the template:
Montserrat Font
SVG Icons generated by ICOMOON
It's Tuesday.
Flexbox Grid Mixins
Javascript Files:
jQuery Easing
jQuery Expander
GreedyNav.js (Modified)
hoverIntent jQuery Plugin
Owl Carousel
Responsive Tabs
jQuery Zoom
Animate On Scroll Library
Version 1.0 released